Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Other baby things - Andere Baby Sachen - Outras coisas de bebe

Many of my friends are either pregnant or already had their babies. 
It's really a baby boom around me at the moment :)
 Viele von meine Freundinen sind im Moment Schwanger oder haben "gerade" ihren Baby bekommen. Es ist ein richtiges "Baby Boom" im Moment.
Muitas da minhas amigas ou estao grávidas ou "acabaram" de ter seus bebês. 
Está um verdadeiro "baby boom" a minha volta :)

This is great beacuse our daughter will have many playmates in the future.
The funny thing about it all is that about 85% of them (my pregnant or already-mom's friends) are getting girls so, we really are populating the world! :)

So, some of my best friends in Brazil already had their princesses and I had to sew them something. Here again a project I am very late with. I want to sew 4 "things" but only managed 2 until now. But I think they turned out pretty cute.
Anyways, here they are:
Hier sind sie:
Enfim, aqui estao:

This fabric you already know:
Dieser Stoff kennt ihr schon:
Esse tecido vocês ja conhecem:

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