Monday, February 28, 2011

Give me some spring! - Gib mir ein bisschen Frühling! - Me dê um pouquinho de primavera!

So, the holidays are over and after almost 3 weeks enjoying the most amazing weather (it only rained once, and at night so, no complains at all!), we are back in "grey land".

So, der Urlaub ist vorbei und nach fast 3 Wochen von besten Wetter (es hat nur einmal, und abends geregnet, ich kann also nich klagen!) sind wir nun endlich wieder in "Grauenland".

As férias acabaram e depois de desfrutar de um clima maravilhoso por quase 3 semanas (so choveu uma vez e a noite portanto, nao posso reclamar mesmo!), estamos de volta às "terras cinzentas".

It is almost impossible to stand it. It is cold, it is grey, trees are leafless, no sign of any coulor or smell of a beautiful flower around, nobody at the streets... It really seems that everything is dead!

I know that some people see this time of the year with romantic eyes. Well I do to, sometimes... But imagine, comming direct from a place where is loud, colourfull, with the most different kinds of smell (yes, I AM very sensorial) and warm into this.

I couldn't help myself. Before I could even realize it I got all sort of colorful materials in my hands and started doing something. I need spring so badly that I thought I could maybe produce it! o, instead of unpacking my suitcases - they are still closed - I started mixing, cutting and putting felt together.
The result?

A garden full of fantastic felt flowers to be worn as a hair clip or a brooch (that can be placed on clothes, bags, scarfs, etc). This way we can take a little spring with us wherever we go.

Einen Garten voll mit wunderschöne Filzblumen als Haarclip oder Broche (die kann mann in den Klamotten, Taschen, Schalls, etc. befetigen). So können wir ein bisschen Frühling mit uns mitnehmen woimmer wir gehen. 

Um jardim cheio de lindas flores de feltro que podem ser usadas no cabelo ou como broche (pode ser usado em roupas, bolsas, echarpes, etc.). Assim podemos levar um pouco da primavera conosco por onde quer que formos.

I got so happy with the result that I am working on more. Let the garden grow!!!!
Ich bin so glücklich mit den Ergebnis, dass ich noch mehr ausprobieren will. Lass den Garten wachsen!!!
Eu fiquei tao feliz com o resultado que estou fazendo mais. E que o jardim cresca!!!

If you want to take one of those with you werever you go, just check at: 
Se quiser levar uma dessas com voce aonde for, de uma olhada em:

or write me an e-mail: 
oder scheibe mir eine E-mail:
ou mande um e-mail para:

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